Best Pulmonologist in Siliguri for your happy respiratory health!

Near Soubhagya Palace, Udham Singh Sarani, Panjabi Para, Siliguri, West Bengal 734001 +91 80959 22187

Contact Dr. Abhishek Bali Get Best Treatment For Breathing Problems in Siliguri

Breathing is what keeps you alive; however, certain health problems can affect your normal breathing patterns. And that creates difficulty inhalation. Some of the health problems like dyspnea, hyperpnea, wheezing, panting may need immediate medical assistance for securing the health of the individual optimally.

Access to apt treatment can safeguard someone’s health against complications. In order to get fast medical support, call your health care provider or visit a trusted hospital at your nearest location. With high-quality medical care, doctors help you fight adversaries promisingly. Get in touch with the leading chest specialist to avail of treatment for breathing problems inSiliguri.

In this blog, you’ll see some of the medical conditions that can trigger your breathing.


Medical Conditions that can Cause Breathing Problems

1. Coronary Artery Disease

Issues in your heart’s vessels can lead to the narrowing of coronary arteries that can make breathing downright challenging. Symptoms of this CAD can be – shortness of breath, chest pain, pain that travel up to the left shoulder, jaw, neck, arms, heart, attack, etc.


2. Cardiomyopathy

Problems in your heart muscles obstruct the flow of oxygen-rich blood from your heart to other parts of the body. Cardiomyopathy can even result in heart failure if remains untreated. With this disease, you may feel shortness of breathlessness, pressure in your chest, swelling of ankles, legs, feet, rapid heartbeat, bloating.


3. Pneumonia

Infection caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi irritate the lungs/a lung – is known as pneumonia. Pneumonia is one of the commonly found respiratory diseases worldwide. Signs of this respiratory infection include – shortness of breath, sweating, coughing with phlegm, chest discomfort, reduced appetite, headaches, etc.


4. Asthma

When airways become narrow, producing excess mucus, it causes breathing issues. Bronchial asthma is another common lung condition that can influence your day-to-day life.

Situations that can be responsible for making the condition worse include – Exercise, occupational exposure to lung irritants, exposure to pollens, cockroach waste, mold spores, pet dander, and so forth. Asthma shows signs, such as – shortness of breath, chest pain, sleeping difficulty, wheezing, coughing.


5. Anxiety

Dyspnea can be a result of anxiety too. Anxiety disorder refers to a condition in which people feel extremely nervous, worried, or uneasy concerning a situation. Now this situation can be both real and imaginary. Severe breathlessness due to an anxiety attack can be life-threatening at times. Consult your doctor pulmonologist in Siliguri in order to find out the underlying cause of such discomfort.

The entire medical treatment depends on what causes such a problem in you. In case that your discomfort is related to the heart, your specialist will refer you to a cardiologist. Moreover, an appropriate diagnosis of the condition requires so as to get optimal healing.


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